ASTM C393/C393M通過梁彎曲測定夾層結構核心抗剪性能的標準試驗方法—標準名稱
ASTM C393/C393M Standard Test Method for Core Shear Properties of Sandwich Constructions by Beam Flexure
ASTM C393/C393M通過梁彎曲測定夾層結構核心抗剪性能的標準試驗方法
ASTM C393/C393M通過梁彎曲測定夾層結構核心抗剪性能的標準試驗方法—適用范圍
This test method covers determination of the core shear properties offlat sandwich constructions subjected to flexure in such a manner that the applied moments produce curvature of the sandwich facing planes. Permissible core material forms include those with continuous bonding surfaces (such as balsa wood and foams) as well as those with discontinuous bonding surfaces (such as honeycomb)
ASTM C393/C393M通過梁彎曲測定夾層結構核心抗剪性能的標準試驗方法—引用文件
ASTM C273 Test Method for Shear Properties of Sandwich Core Materials
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ASTM D7250/D7250M Practice for Determining Sandwich Beam Flexural and Shear Stiffness
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