ASTM D1933 Standard Specification for Nitrogen Gas as an Electrical Insulating Material
ASTM D1933作為電絕緣材料的氮氣的標準規范
This specification covers three types of nitrogen gas used as an electrical insulating material in electrical equipment: Type I, obtained from the air by liquefaction processes and dried; Type II, obtained from the air by liquefaction processes, deoxidized with hydrogen over a platinum catalyst, and dried; and Type III, obtained from the air by liquefaction processes and if necessary deoxidized by suitable means. Materials shall be tested and the individual grades shall conform to specified values of % volume of nitrogen and rare gases, hydrogen, and oxygen; and dew point.
This abstract is a brief summary of the referenced standard. It is informational only and not an official part of the standard; the full text of the standard itself must be referred to for its use and application. ASTM does not give any warranty express or implied or make any representation that the contents of this abstract are accurate, complete or up to date.
1. Scope
1.1 This specification covers three types of nitrogen used as an electrical insulating material in electrical equipment:
1.1.1 Type I, obtained from the air by liquefaction processes and dried,
1.1.2 Type II, obtained from the air by liquefaction processes, deoxidized with hydrogen over a platinum catalyst, and dried, and
1.1.3 Type III, obtained from the air by liquefaction processes and if necessary deoxidized by suitable means.
Note 1—The fact that metal containers are filled with materials meeting this specification does not exclude the possibility that the materials might become contaminated with unlisted impurities.
1.2 The following safety hazards caveat pertains only to the test method portion, Section 5, of this specification: This standard does not purport to address all of the safety concerns, if any, associated with its use. It is the responsibility of the user of this standard to establish appropriate safety and health practices and determine the applicability of regulatory limitations prior to use.
2. Referenced Documents (purchase separately)
ASTM Standards
D2029 Test Methods for Water Vapor Content of Electrical Insulating Gases by Measurement of Dew Point
E105 Practice for Probability Sampling Of Materials
E260 Practice for Packed Column Gas Chromatography
E105 Practice for Probability Sampling Of Materials
E260 Practice for Packed Column Gas Chromatography
Index Terms
electrical insulating material; nitrogen gas; oxygen gas; Electrical insulating gases--specifications; Nitrogen--specifications;