NFPA 68 Standard on Explosion Protection by Deflagration Venting
NFPA 68 爆燃的泄壓與通風導則
1.1* Scope. This standard applies to the design, location, installation, maintenance, and use of devices and systems that vent the combustion gases and pressures resulting from a deflagration within an enclosure so that structural and mechanical damage is minimized.
Industrial fire protection and fire safety depends on correct application of NFPA 68.
Revised from a Guide to a Standard for 2007, NFPA 68 applies to the design, location, installation, maintenance, and use of devices and systems that vent the combustion gases and pressures resulting from a deflagration within an enclosure so that structural and mechanical damage is minimized. As part of its revision, the Standard includes a performance-based option, including two new chapters supporting the performance-based aspect.
Other important updates for 2007
· The general equation for determining the required vent area for a dust explosion is revised based upon correlations with additional experimental data. This provides improved correlation for dust explosions using typical industrial process conditions.
· Special conditions such as treatment for panel inertia, partial volume explosions, and elevated pressure are refined based upon experimental data review.
· Chapter 11 on Inspection and Maintenance is expanded to include management of change and training.
The Standard's new and updated definitions are essential to characterizing deflagration hazards. (Softbound, 82 pp., 2007)