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NFPA 69 防爆系統標準

放大字體  縮小字體 發布日期:2012-02-08   瀏覽次數:583  分享到: 分享到騰訊微博
NFPA 69 防爆系統標準
NFPA 69 Standard on Explosion Prevention Systems
NFPA 69 防爆系統標準
Covers the design, construction, operation, maintenance and testing of systems for the prevention of deflagration explosions by means of the following methods (a) control of oxidant concentration; (b) control of combustible concentration; (c) explosion suppression; (d) deflagration pressure containment; (e) spark extinguishing systems.
Head off explosions with the field's best guidance as defined in the 2008 NFPA 69.
NFPA 69 Standard on Explosion Prevention Systems applies to the systems and equipment used for the prevention of explosions by the prevention or control of deflagrations.
The 2008 edition incorporates the following changes
·    Added and updated definitions essential to characterizing deflagration hazards. All definitions were reviewed to be consistent with other NFPA® documents.
·    Two new chapters have been added to incorporate a performance-based approach for compliance, in addition to the more traditional specification-based option.
·    The concept of safety integrity levels (SIL) for safety instrumented systems was added to the standard to address aspects of system reliability.
Chapters on Detection and Ignition Control and Suppression were updated and expanded. Requirements for explosion prevention control by isolation were expanded in two chapters -- one on passive isolation techniques and another on active techniques. A new chapter on passive suppression using expanded metal mesh or polymer foam has also been added.
A new chapter on Installation, Inspection and Maintenance consolidates all relevant requirements in one place. (Softbound, 73 pp., 2008)



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