NFPA 750 Standard on Water Mist Fire Protection Systems
NFPA 750 水霧滅火系統標準
1.1* Scope. This standard contains the minimum requirements for the design, installation, maintenance, and testing of water mist fire protection systems. This standard does not provide definitive fire performance criteria, nor does it offer specific guidance on how to design a system to control, suppress, or extinguish a fire. Reliance is placed on the procurement and installation of listed water mist equipment or systems that have demonstrated performance in fire tests as part of a listing process.
Maximize water mist system effectiveness with the 2010 NFPA 750.
Reference the most up-to-date information on the design, installation, acceptance testing, and maintenance of water mist fire protection systems. The 2010 edition of NFPA 750 Standard on Water Mist Fire Protection Systems details general requirements, along with provisions for
· All types of systems, components, and hardware
· Installation
· Design objectives and fire test protocols
· Design calculations
· Water supplies and atomizing media
· Plans and documentation
· Acceptance requirements
· Maintenance
Major changes in this edition include
· Added guidance on avoiding obstructions to nozzle spray patterns
· New guidance on bacteria growth mitigation
· Revisions to acceptance test procedures
· NFPA 25 references for inspection, testing, and maintenance
Updated with clearer guidance for enforcing authorities, this important edition of NFPA 750 is critical for water mist system designers, engineers, installers, AHJs, and inspectors. (Softbound, 69 pp., 2010)