NFPA 502 Standard for Road Tunnels, Bridges, and Other Limited Access Highways
NFPA 502 封閉式高速公路、隧道、橋梁、高架路和騎河樓建筑防火的推薦做法
1.1 Scope.
1.1.1 This standard provides fire protection and fire life safety requirements for limited access highways, road tunnels, bridges, elevated highways, depressed highways, and roadways that are located beneath air-right structures.
1.1.2 This standard establishes minimum requirements for each of the identified facilities.
1.1.3 This standard does not apply to the following facilities
(1) Parking garages
(2) Bus terminals
(3) Truck terminals
(4) Any other facility in which motor vehicles travel or are parked
1.1.4 This standard is applicable where a facility, including those specified in 1.1.3(1) through 1.1.3(4), is deemed appropriate by the authority having jurisdiction.
Important changes and additions in the 2011 NFPA 502 improve fire protection and life safety in road tunnels and bridges.
Limited-access highways, tunnels, bridges, elevated highways, and air right structures present unique fire protection challenges. NFPA 502 Standard for Road Tunnels, Bridges, and Other Limited Access Highways provides designers, AHJs, and state and federal regulators with guidelines for the construction, operation, maintenance, and fire protection of these venues to mitigate hazards, maintain structural integrity, and protect lives. Topics covered include traffic control, standpipe and water supply, control of hazardous materials, emergency ventilation, electrical systems, and emergency response.
Among changes in the 2011 edition are
· Updated Table 7.2 discussing required systems based on tunnel category
· Updated wiring requirements for tunnels
· Categorization of bridges and elevated highways
· New chapter on water-based fire fighting systems
· System commissioning guidelines and periodic testing requirements
· Updated criteria for life safety analyses for tunnels
· Updated reference materials
Numerous Annexes expand your knowledge with discussions of tenable environment, temperature and velocity criteria, critical velocity calculations, alternative fuels, tunnel ventilation system concepts, and more. (Softbound, 51 pp., 2011)