NFPA 259 Standard Test Method for Potential Heat of Building Materials
NFPA 259 建筑材料潛熱試驗方法
1.1* Scope. This method of test shall provide a means of determining, under controlled laboratory conditions, the potential heat of building materials subjected to a defined high-temperature exposure condition.
A.1.1 Determinations can be made on individual homogeneous or individual composite, nonhomogeneous, or layered materials from which a representative sample can be taken.
Use the proven requirements in NFPA 259 to determine the fire safety of building materials.
Essential for fire test labs, fire protection engineers, and fire researchers, this reconfirmed 2008 edition of NFPA 259 is a proven test method that provides a means of determining--under controlled laboratory conditions--the potential heat of building materials subjected to a defined high-temperature exposure condition.
The method yields a property-type measurement of the amount of heat that can potentially be given off by building materials when exposed to a heat source. (Softbound, 13 pp., 2008)