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BS 7175:1989 (R2008)被罩和枕頭可燃性測試-燜燒和火焰點火源

放大字體  縮小字體 發布日期:2012-04-09   來源:防火資源網   作者:firetc   瀏覽次數:605  分享到: 分享到騰訊微博
BS 7175:1989 (R2008)被罩和枕頭可燃性測試-燜燒和火焰點火源

BS 7175:1989 (R2008)被罩和枕頭可燃性測試-燜燒和火焰點火源


BS 7175:1989 (R2008) The ignitability of bedcovers and pillows by smouldering and flaming ignition sources




BS 7175:1989 (R2008)被罩和枕頭可燃性測試-燜燒和火焰點火源簡介:BS 7175:1989 (R2008)被罩和枕頭可燃性測試-燜燒和火焰點火源測試根據BS5852使用火源對枕頭,棉被,床單,毛毯,被套單獨或組合進行可燃性評估。



BS 7175:1989 (R2008) The ignitability of bedcovers and pillows by smouldering and flaming ignition sources scope: BS 7175:1989 (R2008) The ignitability of bedcovers and pillows by smouldering and flaming ignition sources test uses the ignition sources in BS 5852 to assess the ignitability of pillows, quilts, mattress cases & covers, sheets, pillowslips, blankets, bedspreads & quilt covers, individually and in combination.



BS 7175:1989 (R2008)被罩和枕頭可燃性測試-燜燒和火焰點火源的相關標準:


BS EN ISO12952:1999-1/2床上用品的燃燒行為-燜燒

BS EN ISO12952:1999-1/2 Burning behaviour of bedding Items - smouldering cigarette


BS EN ISO12952:1999-3/4 床上用品的燃燒行為-明火

BS EN ISO12952:1999-3/4 Burning behaviour of bedding Items - open flame



TB 106:1986床墊,床襯墊的嗎,燜燒測試要求,程序及其設備

TB 106:1986 Requirements, Test Procedure and Apparatus for Testing the Resistance of a Mattress or Mattress Pad to Combustion Which May Result from a Smoldering Cigarette


TB 121:1980用于高危險居所的床墊測試程序

TB 121:1980 Flammability Test Procedure for Mattresses for Use in High Risk Occupancies


TB 129:1992用于公共場所床墊的阻燃測試方法                                                               

TB 129:1992 Flammability Test Procedure for Mattresses for Use In Public Buildings 


NFPA 267:1998暴露于火源下的床墊和床上用品組件的燃燒特征

NFPA 267:1998 Fire characteristics of mattresses and bedding assemblies exposed to flaming ignition source


ASTM E1590:2009床墊的火焰測試標準方法(明火)

ASTM E1590:2009 Standard test method for Fire testing of mattresses (open flame)


BS 5866-4:1991在公營機構使用的毯子 ,第四部分:燃燒性能規范

BS 5866-4:1991 Blankets suitable for use in the public sector. Part 4: Specification for flammability performance


GB/T 20390-12006紡織品- 床上用品燃燒性能 -第一部分:燜燒可燃性試驗方法

GB/T 20390-12006  Textiles-Burning behaviour of bedding items-Part 1: Test methods for the ignitability by a smouldering cigarette






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