ASTM D784 Standard Specification for Orange Shellac and Other Indian Lacs for Electrical Insulation
ASTM D784電絕緣材料用橙色紫膠和其他印度蟲膠標準規范
This specification covers the requirements and methods of test for three types and four grades of orange shellac and other lacs, typically used as bonding agents for mica splitting and reconstituted mica paper and as coating for other materials, as follows: type I - orange flake shellac, grades A, B, C, and D; type II - button lac; and type III garnet lac. The material shall conform to the requirements prescribed.
This abstract is a brief summary of the referenced standard. It is informational only and not an official part of the standard; the full text of the standard itself must be referred to for its use and application. ASTM does not give any warranty express or implied or make any representation that the contents of this abstract are accurate, complete or up to date.
1. Scope
1.1 This specification covers the requirements and methods of test for three types and four grades of orange shellac and other lacs, typically used as bonding agents for mica splittings and reconstituted mica paper and as coating for other materials, as follows:
1.1.1 Type I—Orange Flake Shellac, Grades A, B, C, and D,
1.1.2 Type II—Button Lac, and
1.1.3 Type III—Garnet Lac.
1.2 Stick-lac and seed-lac are not covered by this specification.
Note 1—ISO Specifications 56–1 and 56–2 cover shellac. However, the equivalency of the ISO specification to this standard is unknown. Refer directly to the ISO standards to determine equivalency.
1.3 The values stated in SI units are to be regarded as standard. The values given in parentheses are mathematical conversions to inch-pound units that are provided for information only and are not considered standard.
2. Referenced Documents (purchase separately)
ASTM Standards
D29 Test Methods for Sampling and Testing Lac Resins
D411 Test Methods for Shellac Used for Electrical Insulation
D1711 Terminology Relating to Electrical Insulation
D411 Test Methods for Shellac Used for Electrical Insulation
D1711 Terminology Relating to Electrical Insulation
ISO Standards
56–2 Shellac--Specifications--Part 2: Machine-Made Shellac
Index Terms
bonded mica paper; bonded mica splittings; button lac; garnet lac; lac; orange flake shellac; Bonded mica; Button lac; Electrical insulating liquids--specifications; Electrical insulating materials--specifications; Electrical insulating shellac; Garnet lac; Indian lacs; Lac resins; Orange flake shellac;