家具阻燃防火測試-BS 7176
家具阻燃防火測試-BS 7176
詳細信息 英國標準: BS 7176 Specification for resistance to ignition of upholstered furniture for non-domestic seating by testing composites BS 7176采用測試復合料的非家用座椅用軟墊家具的耐燃性規范 BS 7177: Specification for resistance to ignition of mattresses, divans and bed bases BS 7177: 墊子、沙發和床墊防火規范 國際標準: ISO 8191-1 Furniture – Assessment of the ignitability of upholstered furniture – Part 1: Ignition source smouldering cigarette. ISO 8191 家具-軟體家具可燃性評定 第1部分 點火源 陰燃香煙 ISO 8191-2 Furniture – Assessment of the ignitability of upholstered furniture – Part 2: Ignition source match flame equivalent. ISO 8191-2家具-軟體家具可燃性評定 第1部分 點火源 火柴等同火焰 中國標準: GB 17927軟體家具彈簧軟床墊和沙發抗引燃特性的評定 GB 17927 pholstered furniture-Assessment of the resistance to ignition of the sping mattress and the sofa 澳洲標準: AS/NZS 4088.1:Upholstery materials for domestic furniture — Smouldering ignitability AS/NZS 4088.1:用家具及家具裝飾材料-抗悶燒引燃性 AS 3744.1:1998 Furniture – Assessment of the ignitability of upholstered furniture-Part 1 ignition source: smouldering cigarette AS 3744.1:1998家具-軟體家具易燃性評估-第1部分:火源-燜燒 AS 3744.2:Assessment of the ignitability of upholstered furniture Part 2: Ignition source — match -flame equivalent AS 3744.2:家具-軟體家具易燃性評估-第2部分:火源-等效的匹配火焰 詳情請咨詢:中科易朔(廈門)防火技術服務有限公司 電話:0592-3500085 手機:18906059211 郵件:info@CASfire.cn 網址:http://www. CASfire.cn 出自:NS2020 |