家居家具的美國測試標準--16 CFR 1632
家居家具的美國測試標準--16 CFR 1632
詳細信息 中科易朔CASfire為您提供專業權威的家居家具阻燃防火測試服務,讓您對自己產品的阻燃性能有更深入的了解! 美國標準: 16 CFR 1632:Consumer Product Safety Commission Part 1632 – Standard for the Flammability of Mattresses and Mattress Pads 16 CFR 1632:消費品安全法規 第1632部分-床墊的燃燒性能標準 16 CFR 1633 United States Government Standard for Flammability of Mattresses. 16 CFR 1633 床墊套件可燃性標準(明火測試) 16 CFR Part 1634:Standard for the Flammability of Residential Upholstered Furniture; Proposed Rule 16 CFR Part 1634:家用軟墊家具可燃性測試 NFPA 260 Standard Methods of Tests and Classification System for Cigarette Ignition Resistance of Components of Upholstered Furniture NFPA 260 軟件家具組件抗香煙點燃分級測試方法標準 NFPA 267:Fire characteristics of mattresses and bedding assemblies exposed to flaming ignition source NFPA 267:暴露于火源下的床墊和床上用品組件的燃燒特征 NFPA 266:Standard Method of Test for Fire characteristics of upholstered furniture exposed to flaming ignition source NFPA 266:軟墊家具遭受燃燒火源的燃燒特性 NFPA 261:Standard Method of Test for Determining Resistance of Mock-Up Upholstered Furniture Material Assemblies to Ignition by Smoldering Cigarettes NFPA 261:軟體家具模型的燜燒測試 ASTM E1590: Standard test method for Fire testing of mattresses ASTM E1590:床墊的火焰測試標準方法 ASTM E1537:Standard Method of Test for Fire testing of upholstered furniture ASTM E1537:軟墊家具火焰測試的標準方法 ASTM E1352:Standard Method of Test for Cigarette ignition resistance of mock-up upholstered furniture assemblies ASTM E1352:模型化軟墊家具組件的抗香煙點燃性的標準試驗方法 ASTM E1353:Standard Method of Test for Cigarette ignition resistance of components of upholstered furniture ASTM E1353:軟墊家具組件的抗香煙點燃性的標準試驗方法 BIFMA X 5.7-1991 非住宅、非居住占用類型的軟墊家具可燃性測試標準 BIFMA X 5.7-1991 Upholstered furniture flammability standard for non-residential, non – live – inoccupancie 詳情請咨詢:中科易朔防火技術服務有限公司 電話:0592-3500085 手機:18906059211 郵件:info@CASfire.cn 網址:http://www. CASfire.cn QQ咨詢:2586364329 出自:NS2020 |