ASTM D229 電絕緣用硬質薄板及板材的標準試驗方法—標準名稱
ASTM D229 Standard Test Methods for Rigid Sheet and Plate Materials Used for Electrical Insulation
ASTM D229 電絕緣用硬質薄板及板材的標準試驗方法
ASTM D229 電絕緣用硬質薄板及板材的標準試驗方法—適用范圍
These test methods cover procedures for testing rigid electrical insulation normally manufactured in flat sheet or plate form. They are generally used as terminal boards, spacers, voltage barriers, and circuit boards.
ASTM D229 電絕緣用硬質薄板及板材的標準試驗方法—相關標準
ASTM D570塑料吸水率的試驗方法-國家標準網/Standard Test Method for Water Absorption of Plastics
ASTM D229電絕緣用硬質薄板及板材的標準試驗方法/Standard Test Methods for Rigid Sheet and Plate Materials Used for Electrical Insulation
ASTM D349電絕緣用層壓圓棒的標準試驗方法/Standard Test Methods for Laminated Round Rods Used for Electrical Insulation
ASTM D348電絕緣用剛性管的標準試驗方法/Standard Test Methods for Rigid Tubes Used for Electrical Insulation
ISO 62塑料.吸水性的測定/Plastics - Determination of water absorption
GB/T 1034塑料 吸水性的測定/ Plastics - Determination of water absorption
IS K7209塑料.吸水率的測定/Plastics -- Determination of water absorption
GB/T 23641 電氣用纖維增強不飽和聚酯模塑料/ Fiber reinforced unsaturated polyester moulding compounds (SMC and BMC) for electrical purposes
ASTM D570塑料吸水率的試驗方法-國家標準網/Standard Test Method for Water Absorption of Plastics